✊ It is with pride and enthusiasm that I announce to you that I have been invited to participate as the only French representative in international youth events in Baku, Azerbaijan, the host country of the 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29 Azerbaijan) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. 🇦🇿
🤜 On the theme, "Supporting Environmental Policies Through Young Leaders", this event will bring together 20 young international leaders and 60 national leaders. A unique opportunity to contribute to UN political discussions. We will meet next week to strengthen our knowledge and skills in the fight against climate change and develop cooperation and partnerships. 🌱
⛽ Baku is not an ordinary city. 145 years ago, it was here that the Nobel brothers built the very first naphtha pipeline, before selling their oil assets to the Rockefeller empire, shortly before the Bolsheviks nationalized the Russian oil industry without compensation. . I have been wondering for several years about the usefulness of the COPs, always organized by countries whose economy is largely based on oil production. It's amusing to note that these conferences systematically focus on nations fueled by oil... Not sure that this is of much use. 🤔 Nothing better than taking part in it to understand the ins and outs before praising or criticizing these initiatives more seriously.
✈ Given that this will break my annual carbon footprint, although this invitation honors me, it above all obliges me to report it to you. Stay tuned for more publications on COP 29.